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Protein Shake Recipes for Weight Loss and Nutrition Tips

Browse through our various articles and expand your nutritional knowledge about our nutrition and living healthier. Discover delicious protein shakes weight loss recipes to try new creations to balanced meals. Learn everything you need to know to support you on your health journey.

Healthy Eating Habits: How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off

Achieving an ideal weight is a big accomplishment in itself. It is joyous to live healthfully, knowing that you look, feel, and are at your very best.

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Americans Are Fatter Than Ever Says The Newest National Health Statistics Report

The latest National Health Statistics Reports published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reveal that the average weight,…

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Alcohol Weight Gain: How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

The Holidays are around the corner and most of us anticipate the festivities joyfully. Now is the traditional time to bring families together for…

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Addicted To Sweets: How To Avoid Sugar Cravings

According to Joseph Mercola, M.D., sugar is one of the most addictive food ingredients as it triggers the production of your brain’s natural opioids –…

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Rapid Weight Loss: Benefits of Losing Weight

It’s no wonder so many of us daydream about "ideal" body weight or spend much of our brain time thinking about our ultimate weight loss mission.…

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Muscle Loss Due to Aging: How to Preserve Muscle Mass with Aging

Age-related muscle loss, also known as sarcopenia, commonly affects adults over 50 years of age.

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The 40Something Diet

For most of your life, your health has been on so-called cruise control, everything in your body runs smoothly and automatically.

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Importance of Protein During Exercise

If you are in pursuit of becoming bikini ready for spring break or summer, you’ll want to begin looking into a plan now to help you get into great…

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How to Drink Wisely on a Diet

In an ideal weight loss world, giving up social drinking would come easy. But let’s be honest: as much as we try to avoid alcohol while on a diet,…

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