Whether business or pleasure, people eat out more when traveling and it can be the ultimate litmus test of dieting resolve. Don’t even think of giving up or giving in. A worry-free vacation while dieting is often just a matter of planning. Wherever you go, pack the Almased Weight Loss Phenomenon!
Healthy eating is a lifestyle pursuit that belongs with you everywhere, all the time. Try out these strategies for how to lose weight on a travel diet.
Top 11 Weight Loss Travel Strategies
Tip 1: Allow indulgence for a couple of occasions when local eats are especially fun. You’ll want to experience the surrounding sights and flavors. Do it guilt-free.
Tip 2: Don’t skip meals but don’t over-indulge either. Keep an eye on portion control even when enjoying vacation-style treats.
Tip 3: Enjoy vacation foods while eating healthy whole foods. Focus on protein and veggie items, and avoid eating two big meals in one day.
Tip 4: To keep weight in check, pack plenty of Almased, a shaker bottle, and favorite flavorings like cocoa powder, cinnamon, and extracts.
Tip 5: It’s okay to ask how foods are prepared and ask for swaps, like exchanging veggies for fries. Ask to have your food grilled or steamed rather than fried, and without adding fats.
Tip 6: Whether sight-seeing or kayaking, if your day is extra crowded with events, replace a meal with an Almased shake to meet your nutritional needs and remain free from hunger. You’ll probably feel an energy perk-up, too.
Tip 7: Healthy, easy to pack foods help keep your diet intact while still having fun. Store boiled eggs, a banana, apple, or PB&J sandwich in grocery type lidded food containers that are strong enough to protect the food yet cheap enough to be disposable.
Tip 8: Individually portioned foods like string cheese, granola bars, toasted chickpeas, whole grain crackers, hummus, and unsalted almonds travel well and can help sustain your diet when choices are limited.
Tip 9: Though Almased shakes can easily be made with water, some prefer using almond milk in their shake recipes – which also goes well on whole grain cereal. For travel, try the convenient 8 oz. individual serving sizes. Bonus – they don’t require refrigeration.
Tip 10: If your vacation plans don’t include rock climbing or white-water rapids, you can still let exercise be part of your travel experience. Most motels offer a gym of sorts, a pool, and more.
Tip 11: Pack comfy running shoes and multi-task a sight-seeing tour with your workout. Check with your motel for safe walking routes if you’re unfamiliar with the locale.
Business Travel Diet
Business travel is more work than vacation, not so glamorous as some may think. The above travel diet strategies still apply, but there are other challenges for eating healthy while traveling on business.
It’s extra tough dealing with stresses of business travel due to poor food choices, excess drinking, gastrointestinal problems, lack of exercise, insomnia from time zone crossings and jet lag, and exposure to viruses.
Helpful tips for a work-related traveling diet, are:
Tip 1: Remain diligent with your routine schedule for eating and sleeping times, and maintain your healthy food habits as best as possible.
Tip 2: Maintain your health and energy levels naturally while helping your body’s defenses with the Almased nutritional supplement.
Tip 3: Make happy hour all about networking. Skip the cocktails to save calories and your judgment. Stay alert, and you won’t feel fuzzy the next morning.
Tip 4: Arrive early at the airport. Save the stress of last-minute rushing and use any extra time to walk, shop the concourse and stay active. Driving? Stay refreshed at the wheel. Plan to stop, stretch and walk. Grab half of an Almased shake to support alertness and relieve brain fog.
Almased reviewer, Melinda S. praises Almased while traveling:
"This product rocks…I wake up with so much energy it is fantastic. Great for weight loss. I'd never travel without it, keeps me from getting tired and jet-lagged."
Tip 5: Plan for rainy weather. Pack resistance bands or even a jump rope for room-friendly exercise. The back of a sturdy chair works well as a barre for stretching and ballet style exercise.
Tip 6: When having group meetings at a restaurant, don't go hungry. Have an Almased shake before you go. Then order lightly.
Dieting and Travel: Best Fast Diet Programs
The fast-food experience and the best of fine dining are as different as chalk and cheese, but they both involve choice and the potential to maintain a healthy diet program.
Fast foods (if you must) don’t have to wreck your diet plan. Choose carefully.
Pick the best you can, going for low fat and never fried. Many eateries supply a calorie count on food items, so read before eating. Now more than ever, most places try to meet the demands of the more health-conscious public.
McDonald’s offers a salad and a fruit cup. Of course, don't supersize anything. If you need something to fill up the edges, mix some Almased in your shaker bottle and shake it up for a scrumptiously filling dessert smoothie.
Wendy’s and most steakhouse buffets have great salads and baked (not fried) potatoes; just omit the bacon, cheesy, and buttery toppings.
Asian and Mexican fare seem to offer more lower-calorie meals. Flavorful low-sodium soy sauce, salsas, and taco sauces are in range. Two soft steak tacos with a side of black beans and rice fill you with protein and fiber at Taco Bell; all for about 500 calories.
Sub sandwich shops are good options, too. Select the regular-sized sub on whole grain bread. Add whatever veggies, hold the mayo and oils, using mustards and lemon for flavoring instead. Not a bad bite.
The takeaway: Adhering to your diet while traveling is essential for diet success. With the right attitude, you can do it! Stay more tuned-in to what you can eat and don't think much about what you shouldn’t. Just do it.
Keep Almased with you. It’s easy to pack, helps you lose weight, curbs hunger, supports mental clarity, healthy energy levels, and feelings of overall well-being.
If you do gain a pound or two, don’t get hung up with guilt. Just go back to where you left off. That’s what the Almased diet is all about – adaptability and weight maintenance you can live with. Enjoy!