"I have a much more positive attitude overall since starting Almased."

Lisa C.

Success story of Lisa C.

Almased has changed my life for sure.


I work in an accounts payable department and we receive magazines in our office each week. Every magazine I would flip through, I would see Almased’s advertisements. Being curious, I decided to go to Almased’s website to find out more information. After reading all the success stories, I was motivated to start on Almased. Besides, I needed to get healthier so that I can be around longer for my grandson. I hoped that Almased can help.

On September 7, 2017, I began drinking three Almased shakes a day for 10 days. My favorite Almased recipes were the coconut crème pie and the German chocolate cake shake. After that, I progressed to drinking two Almased shakes per day and eating one sensible meal. I am surprised at how much less I eat now than I used to. I made a salad and couldn’t finish it!

In the first 30 days, I lost 20 lbs and no longer need to take as many medications to help with the pain. I feel much better and I am beginning to look better as well. In fact, I have a much more positive attitude overall since starting Almased. I feel happier on an everyday basis. People comment on my energy levels and how I am smiling much more these days.

Today (2/1/18), I have lost a total of 42 pounds so far. I’m still working hard, drinking 2 shakes a day and one meal. I have definitely changed how I look at meals that I am going to eat. I just started a little workout routine.

I swayed my daughter into using Almased. In one week, she lost 10 pounds – Almased really works! I am also encouraging my co-workers to use Almased, who are all inspired by my transformation so far. It feels great to be a positive role model for people I care about.

Almased has changed my life for sure. I saw my doctor and I am heart healthier and have healthier levels of blood compounds, such as cholesterol. Almased is helping me stay focused on my goal, which is to achieve my healthy weight. There is no stopping me now! I am excited to continue on this journey to experience more health benefits. 

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