"Now Almased has to be a part of my life. It makes me feel better than I ever have before."

Jamie C.

Success story of Jamie C.

Almased has changed my life!



I have always had a weight problem. The first time that I was on a diet, I was 10 years old. If there was a diet, I had tried it and none worked for me. It was very discouraging. When I was in my early twenties, I lost weight by not eating and drinking only chicken broth. I was teaching and going to graduate school at night. I had headaches, starving and then gaining the weight back as soon as I started eating. Throughout my life, I tried again and again then just gave up. My clothes were mostly 3X (size 22-24) and some 2X (size 18-20).

While I was in my doctor's office I saw Almased advertised in a Web MD magazine. I said to myself “I have not tried this before” and decided to give losing weight another try. The first week, I lost 9 lbs. WOW!!! That had never happened before. The second week, I lost 7 lbs. Again, I was shocked!! It worked!!! I had no headaches, no starving and I wasn’t hungry.

By the time I went to see my doctor again, I had lost 35 lbs. She asked me what I had done and I showed her the advertisement for Almased in the magazine from her office. I told her that by the time I came back for my next visit, I wanted her to tell me I was no longer obese, just overweight. It was a bit of a joke to start with, but on my next visit, she was able to tell me just that! She has followed my weight loss with blood tests and measuring my BMI.

The Almased diet was easy to follow. Starting with phase one for three days and I only use water and apple cider vinegar to mix Almased with. I found it easier to do when I set short-term goals for myself, setting goals week by week to start with. Once in the second phase of the program, I learned to limit my food intake. I have very small portions of the foods that I like.  Now Almased has to be a part of my life. It makes me feel better than I ever have before, even in my 20’s.

Almased has changed my life!!! I am 63 years old and went from weighing 226 pounds to 159 pounds. I lost a total of 67 pounds in less than 12 months.  Now I walk 3 miles a day, have more energy, sleepless, move easily and look at food differently. I am very health conscience. My doctor took a picture of me and put it on her website. Friends who hadn’t seen me in a while did not recognize me. Others were in shock.

I started buying new clothes as my best friend, Margie, told me to get rid of my "BIG" clothes so that I would not gain the weight back. I now wear a size 10 or 12 in pants. I carry the pamphlets from my Almased cans with me and give them out to anyone who asks how I lost the weight. I would like to shout to the world so that those who want to lose weight, be healthier and have a new and better life can know about Almased.

Life Changing Results

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