Yes! The healing properties of honey are that good for you! Honey is such a unique substance that bacteria cannot grow in it. Honey is the only food that will never spoil!
Dr. Shively goes on to say, “importantly, these characteristics of honey allow it to have value in supporting many different aspects of our health.
First, consuming honey has been shown to help with weight loss where it assists with the digestion of foods which can contribute to the reduction of the extra fat stored in the body. There are at least eight (8) digestive enzymes in honey, the most prominent being diastase (amylase) and saccharase (sucrase). Weight loss of 5% to 10% has been shown in clinical studies to help improvements in blood pressure, blood lipid profile (i.e., cholesterol), sleep apnea and reduction of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular risk factors.”
Also, “Honey provides an energy source for many body functions as the carbohydrates available in honey can be easily converted into glucose by even the most sensitive stomachs.”
“One more reason why honey is good for you is that athletic performance can be improved. Honey helps maintain appropriate blood sugar levels while offering glycogen restoration after a workout. The net result is that honey can regulate the amount of insulin in the body as well as supporting energy expenditure. Riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin C, calcium, manganese, iron, and copper are present in honey. All of these have specific roles in maintaining our health.”
“Keep in mind that all honey is not created equal. Its sources and the subsequent processing greatly impact the quality of the honey and its ability to deliver health benefits.” Raw honey is processed directly by nature.
According to Registered Dietitian, Daniel Solomon, RDN, LDN, “Switching from sugar to pure raw honey can have enormous health benefits. Raw honey is a pure, unfiltered and unpasteurized sweetener created by bees from flower nectar.”
“Most of the honey consumed these days is processed honey that has been heated and filtered, removing important nutritional content from the honey. In contrast, pure raw honey does not rob you of its amazing nutritional content and health benefits.”