4. Supports Healthy Blood Sugar Levels
Not surprisingly, Almased has a multitude of effects on health. In the study conducted by Kempf et al. [4], participants with type 2 diabetes experienced a significant improvement in glucose control. This shows that Almased supports healthy blood sugar levels and can be used by people with type 2 diabetes. Moreover, a study recently published by Röhling et al.[5] in 2020 showed that approximately 50% of individuals with prediabetes who consumed Almased had their blood glucose levels normalized.
5. Supports A Healthy Circulatory System
In the newest study published this year (2022) in Nutrients, Rohling et al. [6] discovered that after 26 weeks of using Almased, diastolic blood pressure decreased significantly compared to the control group. And after 52 weeks, overall blood pressure dropped thanks to Almased.
Altogether, the positive impacts of Almased can be seen in the five metabolic factors: blood lipid levels, body weight, body fat, blood sugar, and blood pressure. This very well means that Almased can help us and the men in our lives meet optimal targets for metabolic health.
When we use Almased to boost metabolism or lose weight, everything else falls in line. All it takes is commitment.
Give Almased a try!
You can find Almased at Walgreens, CVS, Amazon and Swanson Health. To speak with a representative about how Almased can fit into your lifestyle, call toll-free 1-877-256-2733.
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- Kempf K, Röhling M, Niedermeier K, Gärtner B, Martin S. Individualized Meal Replacement Therapy Improves Clinically Relevant Long-Term Glycemic Control in Poorly Controlled Type 2 Diabetes Patients. Nutrients. 2018 Aug 4;10(8):1022. doi: 10.3390/nu10081022. PMID: 30081574; PMCID: PMC6115894.
- Röhling M, Kempf K, Banzer W, Berg A, Braumann K-M, Tan S, Halle M, McCarthy D, Pinget M, Predel H-G, Scholze J, Toplak H, Martin S, ACOORH Study Group. Prediabetes Conversion to Normoglycemia Is Superior Adding a Low-Carbohydrate and Energy Deficit Formula Diet to Lifestyle Intervention—A 12-Month Subanalysis of the ACOORH Trial. Nutrients. 2020; 12(7):2022. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu12072022
- Röhling M, Kempf K, Banzer W, Braumann KM, Führer-Sakel D, Halle M, McCarthy D, Martin S, Scholze J, Toplak H, Berg A, Predel H-G, ACOORH Study Group. A High-Protein and Low-Glycemic Formula Diet Improves Blood Pressure and Other Hemodynamic Parameters in High-Risk Individuals. Nutrients. 2022; 14(7):1443. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu14071443