Peptides are pieces of protein that are built with amino acids — when these amino acids join together, they make an amino-peptide. And when peptides link up, they form the basis of proteins. Peptides are super-important in a whole range of body functions, plus they serve as the building blocks of vital enzymes and certain natural hormones.
Almased is made from non-GMO soy, yogurt, and enzyme-rich honey in a special fermentation process that releases bioactive peptides.
Honey, also, is being shown by science to offer immune-support, in its own right! A study out of Nigeria found that natural honey is brimming with pro-immunity benefits.
The body of research behind Almased, protein, amino acids and bioactive peptides keeps growing every year — in fact, the above studies are just a few examples. So it’s great to know that Almased can be one important part of your efforts to support glucose health, metabolism, gut health and immunity.