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How to Set Weight Loss Goals With Almased

Written by Susan Fox, Health Writer

Have you been thinking about fitting into some of your favorite clothes - perhaps those in the back of your closet that no longer fit so well? Maybe those cute little love handles aren’t so little anymore? And, at the end of the work week, are you too tired to enjoy what used to be fun?

These - and more - are all excellent reasons to get serious and think about how to set weight loss goals. Goals are the ultimate roadmap for success as they are the basis of where you want to be and just how to get there.

Setting weight loss goals along with the Almased Diet Plan gives you fast and noticeable weight loss results as well as increasing feelings of overall well-being. Successful goal-setters have learned that setting weight loss goals includes these 2 crucial steps:

1. Set your weight loss goal with the purpose of improving your health. Depending on your long-term goal, start with a goal of 5% to 10% of your current weight. Losing only 5% can improve health.

2. Create a plan of action that will decrease caloric intake and increase physical activity.


Setting Weight Loss Goals Examples

Online "Weight Loss Goal-Setting" worksheets can handily guide you through the necessary steps for complete weight loss success. 


Honest Commitment

Only you know if you are ready to make permanent changes, both short and long-term. Are you fully prepared now? If engulfed with stressful challenges that rob you of your focus and physical energy, manage these first. There may always be "something” to distract you - that’s the nature of life. But, once you’re settled enough to begin your weight loss plan, set the date and go!


What Passion Drives You to Stick to Your Weight-loss Plan?

It could be that you’re sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. Or, you may want the confidence to wear a bikini on your upcoming beach vacation. Think about it, post a picture, or make a list and refer to it often.


The Art of Successful Goal Setting: Get Real!

Yeah-yeah, realistic weight-loss goals may seem like a no-brainer but, do you know what is realistic? Is it specific? Is it measurable? Is it time and action oriented? Goal setting is both about the process and the outcome. Goals can always be reset and should be changed once achieved

You can master how to lose weight fast with “The Bikini-Emergency-Plan” from Almased, but you’ll also want to maintain your weight loss over time.

For long-term weight-loss goals, you might want to lose about one or two pounds a week, depending on your weight. Remember the 5 percent rule.

If you weight 200 pounds, 5 percent would be a weight loss of 10 pounds - and even this amount of weight loss can lower your risk for chronic health problems such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.


Almased Diet Goals

Example - What can you do to eat or drink fewer calories?

“I will replace one meal a day (specific, realistic, action-oriented) with an Almased shake every day this month (time-based).” Or, “I will jumpstart my weight-loss with Almased’s liquid fast for three days by drinking Almased shakes three times daily, vegetable broth or low-sodium vegetable juice between meals, and a total of 64 ounces of water.”


Activity Goals

Exercise is excellent for being healthy, but overeating is what causes overweight. But to lose weight, eating less is far more essential than exercising.

Still, if you need a bit more bustle to round out your life, try choosing a fun activity goal. You could add an extra dance night, a sport or a favorite pastime. Single out what you like to do because it is easy to stick with something you enjoy.

Example - What can you do to increase movement or reduce inactivity?

I will walk up the stairs (Specific, Realistic, Action-oriented), at work twice daily (measurable) for the next month (Time-based)” Or, “I will bowl every Wednesday and play two games of tennis on Saturday morning with Cindy this summer.”


Adjust Your Attitude And Enjoy Your Food

A proper weight loss diet allows you to eat great and lose weight. The Almased 4-Phase Figure Plan does that and more. But, what exactly is The Almased Weight Loss PhenomenonTM and what makes Almased special?


The Almased Figure Plan consists of 4 phases:


The Starting Phase - 3 to 14-day Liquid Fast

Drink the Almased weight loss shake three times daily for three days or up to 14 days. This phase is highly recommended to achieve a definite metabolic boost. Most people fast for three days and feel confident to continue up to 14 days. Remember to reset your goals accordingly.

The average serving size is 8 Tbsp of Almased mixed in 10-12 oz of liquid (water, low-fat milk or unsweetened almond milk) and 1 tsp of olive, flaxseed, or walnut oil. You can add flavors to the shake, such as ground cinnamon or 1 tsp of vanilla extract.

Between meals, drink up to four 8 ounce cups of homemade vegetable broth or low-sodium veggie juice. Also, drink plenty of water (64 ounces per day) - this is required to help speed up metabolism and weight loss.


The Reduction Phase - Used Until Desired Body Weight is Achieved

Drink the Almased weight loss shake twice daily and eat one regular healthy meal until desired body weight is achieved - depending on your starting weight and your goal weight, that could be a few weeks or a few months.

During this phase, you add back one regular healthy meal into your weight loss diet. Continue to mix Almased as instructed.

The weight loss foods for your one regular meal are the healthy foods you’ll want to stay with. Check out our sensational smoothie and meal recipes.

Some like to use a calorie counter to lose weight and keep track of progress. However, Almased’s meal replacement plan takes out the need to count so you can easily focus on making healthier choices. Strong evidence shows Almased’s meal replacement diet, along with healthy snacks, are a useful tool for weight management.

Aim for a variety of plant-based foods such as plenty of vegetables and small portions of whole grains (brown rice or whole wheat bread or pasta). Stay lean on meat, poultry, and dairy. Limit fruit intake, go for healthy fats, such as olive oil, avocados, nuts, and nut spreads. Drink vegetable broth or low-sodium veggie juice as desired, and of course, plenty of water daily.


The Stability Phase and The Life Phase

Phases 3 and 4 are for weight loss at a slower pace and long-term weight maintenance. This helps to avoid the yo-yo effect of regaining lost weight. You will eat two or three delicious meals every day plus one Almased Shake to sustain your metabolism and renewed vitality.

Every Almased consumer has their success with Almased. How much weight and how quickly they lost it aren’t the main focus because each person has their individual weight loss goals.


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