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The Facts About Nutrition, Your Mood, and Mental Health

Written by Susan Fox, Health Writer

Some of us can connect the dots between our unhealthy eating patterns and mood swings. Nutritional imbalances and fluctuations of blood sugar are often the culprits. 

These diet shortfalls may be caused by eating too many processed or refined carbs, skipping meals, or cutting out entire food groups from your diet.

Such habits can cause blood sugars to swing up and down, leading to low energy levels, tiredness, and feelings of irritability. 

The link between nutrition and mental health is complicated, and there is still much left to learn. But research is mounting up and does show how food can affect mental health conditions, including depression and anxiety disorders.

Nutrition does not stop at the neck,” is the message from researcher Captain Joseph Hibbeln, MD, at the Brain Futures Conference where he discusses the urgency of diet in the prevention and advanced treatment of mental illness. 

Hibbeln calls for more considerable attention to the importance of nutrition education in mental health programs and goes so far as to state that he would like to see every person with a mental illness be referred to a dietician.

For many of us, that may sound like a radical idea. But, is it possible that foods which prevent medical illnesses also prevent mental illnesses?

The sad facts are those with mental illnesses have two and a half times greater risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, and diabetes. As much as 14.3% of deaths worldwide are attributable to mental health disorders.

Mental Health and Nutrition Research

Most of us have experienced the bleak mood of a dismal rainy day or a burst of bliss from the scent of freshly mowed lawn in the summer.

Moods come and go, but did you know that a plateful of complex carbs containing soluble fiber can slow absorption of sugar into your bloodstream and may affect your mood?

That would mean choosing healthy carbs such as brown rice and pasta, cereals, whole-grain bread, fruit, legumes, and sweet potatoes.

Research also shows a definite relationship between diet and mood swings in premenstrual syndrome (PMS), per Dietitian Leslie Beck.

According to Beck, a 2010 study showed that women who consumed the most thiamine and riboflavin (B-vitamins) in their diets were much less likely to experience mood-related symptoms of irritability, depression, anxiety, and crying spells.

The essential amino acid, L-tryptophan, helps the body make proteins and certain brain-signaling chemicals. One such chemical is serotonin, often referred to as the happy chemical as it contributes to mood, happiness, restful sleep, appetite function, and feelings of wellbeing.

Phenylalanine is another essential amino acid and is found in mother's milk, meat, poultry, fish, lentils, and sesame seeds. The consumption of phenylalanine creates dopamine, which is converted into norepinephrine and controls reward, motivation, and concentration.

Dr. Charles Shively says essential amino acids are dietary precursors enabling conversion by the body into neurotransmitters which control major body functions. When an imbalance occurs, various physical disease and mental disorders are affected.

The Connection to Food and Mood

Strong evidence connects the relationship between dietary quality and mental health, and the need for the select use of nutrient-based supplements to address deficiencies. [Lancet Psychiatry]

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