| 12 minutes

Sweet treats: How to Avoid Food Temptations During Halloween

Written by Susan Fox, Health Writer

Did you know that Halloween is the largest of all American holidays next to Christmas? This month, Americans will spend $2.6 billion on candy alone. 

But Halloween isn’t just for children anymore.

How can we resist those sweet treats that are in plain sight while we’re struggling to avoid food temptation?

How do you enjoy the pleasures of the season when dreading the inevitable consequence of weight gain? 

Part of the answer is reframing our relationship with food, allowing for occasional falls from nutritional grace. 

And part of redefining that picture is to take a look at what’s on our daily three-meal plate, and replacing at least one of those meals with a low-glycemic high-protein Almased shake….but more on that below.

Healthy Sweet Treats

Whatever the holiday, kicking the sugar habit feels good, and there's a pot of happiness at the end of the rainbow. 

On the plus side, your body will reward you for saying goodbye to those yo-yo blood sugar levels.

But, how to avoid sweet cravings?

Some experts say that we need to take a chill pill about Halloween candy, such as Ellyn Satter, who thinks we all need to allow ourselves and our kids to have fun this October 31st, without all the doom and gloom about candy and chocolate being a goblin or a ghoul.

Some people may try to change their sugary ways by limiting how much sugar they eat in an effort to train their taste buds to make do with less. 

You can also offset your sweet cravings by sweetening your coffee, tea, and home-baked goods with a small amount of stevia instead of sugar, but don’t overdo it.

By jettisoning most added sugar, this will help you go a long way to eating a healthier diet and maintaining a healthy weight over the long term.

Don’t treat yourself to the trick of sugar-free candies or artificial sugar substitutes!

Beware those cute little pumpkin-shaped cookies that are made with artificial or fake sweeteners, like sucralose. 

Fake sugars aren’t good for your health and actually lead to weight gain. The taste of sweetness from either artificial or real sugar seems to play a significant role in increasing appetite. 

Dr. Frank Lipman states that “some studies show the super-sweetness of artificial sugars may interfere with the release of satiety hormones, slowing the body's ability to send signals to the brain that you've had enough. This leads to overeating without you even realizing it. 

As bad as that is, fake sugars also alter the gut environment, killing off beneficial bacteria, which is crucial to overall health.”

What can you eat on the low-glycemic high-protein diet?

  • Fruit and veggies, nuts, seeds, whole grains, beans, legumes.
  • Lean protein: fish, poultry, lean beef, low-fat dairy.
  • Include healthy fats while avoiding all foods that contain trans fats.
  • Reduce intake of processed and sugary or very salty foods.
  • Reduce alcohol intake.
  • Drink an Almased shake daily as a meal replacement or snack.

A low-glycemic, high-protein (LGHP) diet is naturally high in fiber. It’s a powerful tool to help you feel full and satisfied, and it helps put an end to the pleasure trap of craving more and more.

For Halloween, consider using healthier treats. 

Better options that also come individually wrapped are, pretzels, raisins, mandarin oranges, oatmeal or plain cookies, like wafers or graham crackers, popcorn, and low-fat granola bars.

Still, you don’t have to give up all your sweet endings. There is a plan…

Avoid Food Temptation with Almased

Okay, so we already know we should dump junk food and empty calories to lose or maintain our best weight.

But even when we bravely substitute our old habits to achieve better health and our ideal body type, we will still want to indulge sometimes – and we want it guilt-free!

There is a better path. The Almased Weight Loss Phenomenon™ makes it possible in several ways. The LGHP shake formula is ideal for fat loss, weight maintenance, and overall health. 

One study from the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Canada, showed that Almased helps optimize the body’s metabolism, allowing it to be more efficient in burning fat while retaining muscle mass. This is considered an effective weight loss. 

Almased even increases the basal metabolic rate (BMR), your body’s metabolic set point, in those with an average healthy weight if it’s taken regularly from the first day on.

When looking to tackle belly fat head-on, the Figure Plan offers 4 phases, from accelerated (or quick) weight loss to long term weight management. 

Almased’s Bikini-Emergency-Plan is an extra quick fix for special occasions as it is a rapid, yet safe, weight-loss plan.

Almased offers one more guilt-free strategy so you can hang on to some holiday treats! 

Simply replace one of your meals with an Almased shake for a day or two to make up for any nutritional falls from grace!

Being more flexible is more manageable. Since you’ll have less body fat, you’ll feel better about yourself, too. 

And there are plenty of Almased shake recipes that are a tasty addition to anyone’s diet as a full meal replacement or as a food supplement.

The Almased powder is mild tasting, making it perfect for mixing with a bunch of different flavors, spices, and extracts. (LGHP dinner recipes are also available). 

Almased contains no added sugars, absolutely zero stimulants, no artificial flavors, fillers, or preservatives, and no unpleasant aftertaste. By mixing with water, soy, or almond milk, along with your own preferred recipes, you’ll never be bored with just one flavor.

The Pumpkin-Spice Latte smoothie is a rich and enticing Halloween treat crafted to lift all nearby spirits. 

And every serving of Almased packs a full 27 grams of protein and a low-glycemic load, so you speed up the metabolism, feel full longer, and cravings are only ghostly memories of the past.

Don’t just take our word for it. Check out our international research studies and first-hand testimonials from Almased Success Stories and Rave Reviewers.

Can't you just feel your sugar cravings and tummy fat going down?

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