Almased’s Bikini-Emergency-Plan is an extra quick fix for special occasions as it is a rapid, yet safe, weight-loss plan.
Almased offers one more guilt-free strategy so you can hang on to some holiday treats!
Simply replace one of your meals with an Almased shake for a day or two to make up for any nutritional falls from grace!
Being more flexible is more manageable. Since you’ll have less body fat, you’ll feel better about yourself, too.
And there are plenty of Almased shake recipes that are a tasty addition to anyone’s diet as a full meal replacement or as a food supplement.
The Almased powder is mild tasting, making it perfect for mixing with a bunch of different flavors, spices, and extracts. (LGHP dinner recipes are also available).
Almased contains no added sugars, absolutely zero stimulants, no artificial flavors, fillers, or preservatives, and no unpleasant aftertaste. By mixing with water, soy, or almond milk, along with your own preferred recipes, you’ll never be bored with just one flavor.