Almased contains a small number of carbs from raw honey and, with the combination of high-protein, Almased is low-glycemic, supporting both energy and healthy blood sugar levels.
How does Almased do this? Because it’s low in carbs, and with no refined sugar added, Almased helps us reset the level of sweetness that our taste buds are willing to handle. Things that we added sugar to before start to taste way too sweet!
Plus, the 27 grams of high-quality protein in Almased naturally support hormones that work to burn fat and help control appetite by making us feel full. One serving can satisfy hunger for up to 5 hours.
Less sugar in your diet, fewer cravings and a healthier appetite all spell a brand-new relationship with sugar, putting you in the driver’s seat — not sugar and carbs!
Almased is there for you since it’s part of a simple, easy-to-follow way of eating that can help you reach your goals — and avoid those sugary pitfalls!