| 15 minutes

Soy Myths Debunked

Written by Jamie, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Soy is one of nature’s most protein-rich plant foods, offering numerous health benefits. In recent years, soy has had a bad rap for its alleged harmful effects on our body’s hormones, leading to potential health dangers. Touted as problematic by much of the media and health enthusiasts, many people have sworn off soy entirely from their diets. Sadly, the substantial health benefits of soy are not only undermined but also unbeknownst to many people.

Soy is a plant native to Eastern Asia. It was first cultivated in China in 1100 BC and has been consumed regularly by Asian populations for centuries. In Japan, the high consumption of soy has been correlated with the country’s low rate of breast and prostate cancer and high life longevity.

Believe it or not, whether fermented or unfermented, soy is one of the healthiest plant foods, providing an array of nutrients that include fiber, iron, calcium, omega-3s, essential vitamins and minerals as well as phytochemicals. Not to mention, soy is the only plant with a complete amino acid profile, which makes it a reliable high quality and abundant source of protein for vegetarians. The inclusion of soy in vegetarian diets has linked with having lower rates of chronic diseases.

Due to the functionality of soy, the health claims around it, as well as the controversies surrounding it, soy is one of the extensively studied foods of all time. A large body of scientific research shows the addition of 25 grams of soy protein a day to a diet that is low in saturated fat and cholesterol might help to reduce the risk of heart disease. Also, soy is associated with lowered cholesterol, less risk of heart disease, possible reduction of hot flashes, and reduced risk of breast, prostate, or endometrial cancers. Research on soy has been monitored and reviewed by trusted organizations such as the American Cancer Society, the American Heart Association, and the FDA.

Moderate consumption of soy is safe for those not allergic to it, and the health benefits you receive from soy can outweigh any risk they may pose. To gain the nutritional benefits from soy, make sure to consume 25 grams of soy protein per day from sources such as soybeans (edamame), tofu, tofu burger, and soy milk, along with a healthy diet.

In recent years, a growing number of Americans have become more passionate about the type of foods they eat, avoiding foods with GMOs as much as possible or even at all costs.

Defining GMO Vs. Non-GMO

GMOs, or “genetically modified organisms,” are plants or animals with DNA that has been tweaked by genetic engineering. GMO foods were created to help reduce the chance of crops failing, assisting plants in growing with enhanced nutrition and resistance to diseases.

It also has allowed for more efficient use of land and kept food prices from rising exorbitantly. The issue in the limelight with GMO foods is whether or not it harms our agriculture and health in the long run.

Since the safety of eating GMO foods has not been verified, more Americans opt for non-GMO foods, because not only may non-GMO foods be safer, they are also tastier and more nutritious.

Why Non-GMO is More Nutritious

Researchers believe that when non-GMO fruits and vegetables grow in natural conditions with greater stress, they develop higher nutritional content, which can be found in the following foods:

  1. Organic strawberries taste better and are more nutritious. They even have a higher amount of vitamin C and antioxidant activity compared to conventionally grown strawberries.
  2. Non-GMO soy has been found to have 12-14% more amounts of cancer-fighting isoflavones (phytoestrogens).
  3. Canola (rapeseed) has a higher amount of vitamin A and E and fat composition compared to genetically modified canola.
  4. Organic tomatoes are sweeter and have higher vitamin C levels and antioxidant compounds, such as lycopene.

Choosing Non-GMO Soy

Almased, the low-glycemic high-protein diet is comprised of three ingredients; one main ingredient is non-GMO soy.

In Almased’s latest research, results show that Almased has no significant impact on sex hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, as well as thyroid hormones and cortisol even when consumed three times per day.

Moreover, previous research showed that Almased did not affect the hormones of women in remission from (negative type progesterone/estrogen receptor) breast cancer. In fact, after using Almased for weight loss, the women surveyed stated that they have a better mood and overall quality of life. In a five-year follow-up, the women remained cancer-free.

To help you separate fact from fiction, here are some of the popular soy myths debunked:

1. All Soy in the U.S. Is Genetically Modified (GMO)

While the majority of soybeans grown in the US are genetically modified (93%), there is a small percentage that is non-GMO, such as the soy in Almased. Genetic engineering helps to introduce new characteristics to crops so that those crops become more resistant to herbicides, therefore making it easier for farmers to control weeds.

If you would like to avoid GMO soy products, look for the terms “non-GMO” or “organic” on the label. Certified organic products are not allowed to use genetically modified ingredients (excluding water and salt).

2. Soy Causes Breast Cancer

Soy is the most abundant source of isoflavones, which are phytoestrogens, capable of having estrogen-like effects. Breast cancer is one of the main concerns when it comes to soy and its hormonal impact on the body.

However, according to current research, the consumption of soy doesn’t show a link to breast cancer; actually, it shows a protective association. Researchers state that it is OK to eat moderate amounts of soy.

Isoflavones also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that benefit your overall health. There is still more research needed to be more explicit about the safety of soy for breast cancer survivors.

3. Soy Inhibits Thyroid Function

Research has found that neither soy foods nor isoflavones affect thyroid function in healthy men or women. For people with hypothyroidism, soy-like many other herbs, drugs, fiber & calcium supplements – may increase the amount of thyroid medication because it may interfere with the absorption of the medicine.

However, it is not necessary for thyroid patients (except for infants with congenital hypothyroidism) to forego soy products. It is recommended to take medication on an empty stomach and wait about 30-60 min with food consumption after taking it.

4. Unfermented Soy Is Bad for you

For a lot of people, fermented soy is an acceptable form of soy to consume and considered to be a healthier option. Traditional Asian cultures are often referred to support this statement.

However, Asian countries consume mostly unfermented soy, e.g., tofu and soy milk. While fermentation may improve mineral absorption and may create other potentially beneficial compounds, there is little evidence that these foods are superior to unfermented ones.

5. Soy Causes Feminizing Effects in Men

While individual cases of changes in sex hormones in men consuming soy have been reported, these men consumed extremely high doses of soy (3 quarts of soymilk per day, e.g.), and the effects reversed when the soy intake discontinued.

In reality, clinical studies in men show that isoflavones don’t affect testosterone levels or circulating estrogen levels. Even at isoflavone levels significantly higher than those of a typical Asian male consuming a soy-rich diet, isoflavones have not been found to have feminizing effects.

Soy: How Media and Science Have Changed Their Tune

Media and science were once united in the celebration of the humble soybean as one of nature’s most heroic superfoods. 

After all, ancient cultures had survived and thrived in good health on that little green bean. Then, something went very off-kilter. The mainstream media began to question the truth about soy. Why?

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), controversy surrounds the fact that most of the Asian population studies involved whole soy foods, not soy concentrates or isolated isoflavones.

Soy contains a variety of bioactive components, including isoflavones – genistein being the most dominant. According to research biologist Retha Newbold, there was some confusion in the studies because the test subjects were injected with one compound from soy, genistein, instead of being given soy.

Also, studying monkeys and rats is a lot different than looking at soy in the human diet.

Have these differences clouded what the real health effects of soy actually are?

“The phytochemicals [isoflavones] in soy are currently being studied for their role in preventing postmenopausal bone loss and certain cancers.” 

What about the effects of soy on men?

Because soy contains phytoestrogens, men may worry about including it in their diet. However, studies do not indicate that soy negatively impacts the production of testosterone in men.

Men can rest easy knowing the phytoestrogens in soy are not estrogens – only animal products contain estrogens, while soy contains none.

Soy Protein

Unlike most plant proteins, soy contains all the nine essential amino acids, providing a complete source of dietary protein. Soy is also a rich source of various vitamins, minerals, and beneficial plant compounds.

Making vegetarians happy!

Unlike animal sources, nature’s own formula for soy is cholesterol- and gluten-free; it contains up to 56% protein, is a superb source of omega-3s, and offers a bevy of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

When comparing soy protein vs. animal protein, soy wins hands down. The Cleveland Clinic states that more plant protein in your diet has clear heart benefits, such as lowering blood pressure. 

Most people are aware of soy and value its mega-protein. But, have you heard about lunasin? Lunasin is a naturally occurring bioactive peptide found primarily in soybeans, and that’s a big deal. 

Because lunasin stimulates fat-burning metabolism, soy can also help with weight reduction and keeping weight off. 

Gluten-Free and Non-GMO Soy

Soy is definitely the magic bean for weight loss, and that’s why Almased has it in their low-glycemic high-protein (LGHP) meal replacement shakes. 

Almased uses only non-GMO soy (grown in the USA), along with real cultured yogurt and rich, raw honey. This is nature at its finest.

Assuring the highest quality ingredients, Almased contains nothing artificial, is gluten-free, free of added sugar and is diabetic friendly.

All components are prepared using a special fermentation method, one which increases the bioactive peptides (such as lunasin). So, the whole formula is much greater than the sum of its parts.

This synergy is what makes the Almased Weight Loss Phenomenon™ possible!

You can kick-start your weight loss and learn how to keep it off with the Almased’s Figure Plan. This is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but rather a customizable eating plan designed to fit your specific weight-loss needs.

From rapid fat loss to preserving your successful goal weight, it’s easy to drink Almased shakes in place of 1, 2, or 3 meals daily. Or, drink Almased as an occasional healthy snack as needed.

For supplement facts, the Almased LGHP food list, and more info on The Figure Plan Plus, go to the instructions page

Then, check out all the enticing shake and smoothie recipes, and you’ll get an idea as to why you even might forget you’re dieting! 

These shakes are filling and designed to kick hunger far out of your mind’s reach for a good 4–6 hours.

The point is, the soy plus Almased helps boost metabolism, burn fat, and shrink your belly. Energy levels soar - but without any stimulants. Healthy metabolism helps us fight fatigue and support fat break-down

For over 15 years now, Almased has backed this up with studies

One study out of the University Hospital in Freiburg, Germany, looked at healthy middle-aged men who exercised, had a low-glycemic high-protein (LGHP) diet, including the LGHP Almased shake, or both.

Their research shows that the soy-protein in Almased supplementation supports the metabolic effects of resistance training. 

Moreover, what do Almased consumers have to say about their health and weight loss journeys? 

John F. struggled with his weight for most of his life. At 60+ years of age, he dropped 24 pounds in 24 days, and 69 pounds in a year! 

“Almased has been life-changing for me. Almased is not just another diet to me; it’s part of my lifestyle now. I rely on Almased to keep my weight under control, and it’s a part of my regimen for staying healthy. I am so thankful for this product and what it has done for me.” - John F.

Justin S. worked diligently on his diet for 10 years, trying to control blood sugar levels. Then, at age 39, he began his Almased program.“Almased has dramatically improved my health and diet. Almased helps to support that. One shake in the morning keeps me full until lunchtime, and I do not have to worry about feeling hungry.” - Justin S.

Omer A. – “Almased made the impossible possible!”

“Thank you guys for a great product. I have lost 74 pounds now! I have used expensive pills, capsules, and drinks without results before, but Almased works! Almased has helped me love my body again and be healthier! - Omer A.

The essence of today’s nutrition message is “mother nature knows best,” and she most certainly knew what she was doing when she created the epic soybean. 

Eat real food that is close as possible to the way nature made it, including soybeans –by ordering Almased today!



“Fruit and Soil Quality of Organic and Conventional Strawberry Agroecosystems” by J.P. Reganold et al.,m PLOS ONE, 9/1/10

“Organic Tomatoes Accumulate More Vitamin C, Sugars than Conventionally Grown Fruit” www.sciencedaily.com

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