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Almased's Program To Cut Sugar and Transform Your Life

Written by James Gormley, Natural Products Industry Writer


  • 21 Days to a Healthier Metabolism? 
  • The Fasting Phase — Phase 1 — Days 1 to 14 
  • The Reduction Phase — Phase 2 (Days 15 to 21) or Until Your Goal Is Reached 
  • The Stability Phase — Phase 3 — Several Weeks or Indefinitely As Needed 
  • Say No to Sugar and Yes to Optimal Health!
  • Soda and Sugar 
  • Soda Makers’ Gain Is Our Loss (in Health) 
  • Say Yes to Metabolic Health! 
  • Say Yes to Sensible Physical Activity 

Food manufacturers have worked hard to replace good old-fashioned food with the nutritional version of gunk — and at the top of the list is sugar. 

In fact, the big food companies today add huge levels of sugar to up to 74 percent of all food products. 

While we need some sugar in our diet — our cells and brain do need glucose for energy — the problem is that the U.S. diet is experiencing a massive sugar overload. 

And if sugar and bad additives in our food weren’t bad enough, Americans also drink 14.5 billion gallons of sweetened, zero-nutrition soda each and every year. 

This is particularly bad because excess sugar is one of the contributors to diseases like obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even cancer. 

Low-glycemic high-protein Almased is diabetic-friendly and can help….but more on that in a minute.

But did you know that, in 21 days, you can completely transform your health with low-glycemic high protein (LGHP) Almased? 

It’s true, and science backs this up. In fact, results can be seen in as little as 12 weeks.

In a 2017 study by Kerstin Kempf and a group of German researchers, a 12-week study was done that included phone calls and lifestyle coaching (TeLiPro). 

For the first 12 weeks, the TeLiPro group also received the LGHP meal replacements in place of three meals a day for the first week, two meals a day for weeks 2 to 4, then one meal a day for weeks 5 to 12.  

The results? The HbA1c levels in the LGHP diet group were, on average, reduced by 1.1, from 8.4% to 7.3%.  

In this group, there were also better health markers, including less belly fat. There was also a 20% lower need for medications and a nearly 50% reduction in insulin needs.  

These improvements were even seen after 52 weeks of follow-up. This underscores the importance of a high-protein low-glycemic diet. 

21 Days to a Healthier Metabolism?

In the 1960s, Physician Max Maltz first popularized the concept that it takes a minimum of 21 days to transform an old mental image of ourselves into a new one. 

And he was right. 

Very often people think that if they have a slow metabolism — or slower than they would like — then they’re doomed to a lifetime of crazy cravings, feeling sluggish and being overweight. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

Whatever our health goals, with the right changes to our diet we can get our metabolism and energy levels back on track. 

For some people, it takes 21 days; for others, it can take several months. Others start to do better right after a 3-day Almased fast.

The Fasting Phase — Phase 1 — Days 1 to 14

One great way to get us started is with a safe and healthy fast

In fact, research shows that fasting for a minimum of three days to a maximum of 14 days is sufficient to boost our metabolism and gain more energy. 

Fasting, the right way, encourages our bodies to burn more fat while retaining muscle mass. 

It’s important to keep in mind that fasting safely does not mean starving.  In fact, since Almased promotes healthy levels of the hunger controlling hormone ghrelin, you may feel full for four to six hours. 

A ground-breaking new controlled study out of the University of Alberta involved 43 healthy, normal-weight adults in a controlled 32-hour fast carried out in a special lab. 

In the study, participants either had a standard high-carb North American diet or a total dietary replacement with Almased for all meals, which is a modified fast. 

Here were some of the benefits experienced by people in the Almased-only group: 

  • Increase in energy metabolism higher 24-hour energy expenditure (24h EE), which means a metabolism increase 
  • Higher fat burn  
  • decreased energy balance, which means our body’s natural resistance to weight loss is lowered and our ability to stay more satisfied is enhanced 
  • increased protein balance, which is when our body’s absorption of protein is improved 
  • decreased carbohydrate balance, when our use of carbs is improved and our tendency to gain fat is decreased 

Tips for Fasting the Right Way

Drink Almased three times a day. By doing so, you reset your metabolism to burn fat while maintaining muscle. 

Since Almased promotes healthy levels of the hunger-controlling hormone ghrelin, you may feel full for four to six hours. 

The body is getting rid of harmful toxins, so be sure to drink plenty of fluids daily to help flush out the acidic by-products that are released when the body breaks down fat. 

Water and vegetable broth are recommended. 

The Reduction Phase — Phase 2 (Days 15 to 21) or Until Your Goal Is Reached

2004 study looked at Almased meal-replacements versus a lifestyle intervention, in this case over 6 months. 

In this study, the Almased group lost an average of nearly 20 pounds versus 13.6 pounds and lost an average of 19.4 pounds of fat mass compared to 14.5 pounds. The Almased group also achieved better body composition while preserving muscle mass.  

In a 2008 study, researchers looked at metabolic risk factors, body weight, fat mass and hormonal markers in overweight participants who were randomly assigned to a low-fat diet or to a Phase 2 Almased diet (2 shakes a day) for 6 weeks. 

The results? People in the Almased group lost significantly more weight, fat mass and waist circumference. 

In a 2014 study, participants were randomly assigned to either a low-fat / low-calorie diet or to replace two daily meals with Almased for six weeks. 

Significant weight loss was reported in the Almased group compared to the fat-restricted group, with much better results for body mass index (BMI) and sugar metabolism.

In a 2021 paper, the first author, Kerstin Kempf, explained why fasting can be valuable, pointing out that, “in the early phase of a dietary intervention” it’s important to strictly lower carbs and reduce food intake so that insulin levels can decrease between meals and so that “[fat-burning] can be activated.” 

In the paper, the authors pointed out that the Almased group (as compared to the lifestyle-only group) fasted with Almased three times a day for 1 week, then was on Phase 2 of Almased (2 Almased shakes a day) for weeks 2 to 4, then was on Phase 3 for (1 Almased shake a day) for weeks 5 to 26.

The Almased group experienced much better reductions in weight loss (over 13 pounds versus 7 pounds), with some of the Almased group participants losing as much as nearly 17 pounds). Other health markers were also better. 

But here was the fascinating thing.  

After one year, participants who only had Almased for only 4 weeks (Phase 1 and a short Phase 2) lost as much weight as did the people in the lifestyle group who stuck it out for an entire year! 

This shows that the effects of Almased can be very long-lasting, even if only used for a short time. 

The Reduction Phase helps maximize the body’s fat-burning capabilities by continuing to help rev up metabolism. It also supports healthy blood sugar levels and helps the body cut down on sugar cravings. 

Tips for Phase 2 Success

Consume two Almased shakes (ideally breakfast and dinner) and eat one solid meal (lunch) each day. 

Avoid snacking and restrict carbohydrates to lunch to help enhance healthy weight loss. 

You may stay in the reduction phase until you reach your desired weight-loss goal. 

The Stability Phase — Phase 3 — Several Weeks or Indefinitely As Needed

 number of studies have shown success with Phase 3 of the Almased Diet, which involves having one Almased shake per day for at least several weeks, but indefinitely if needed. 

In a 2018 study, people who consumed Almased once per day for 12 to 52 weeks experienced significant weight reduction and other health improvements within 12 weeks. 

Similar results were seen in a 2021 study. People who consumed Almased for weeks 4 to 26 experienced benefits in weight reduction and metabolic health markers. 

Tips for Phase 3 Success 

Now you’re ready to stabilize the benefits of your diet. This phase of the program aims to provide your metabolism with continual support at a level where fat is consistently and actively burned. 

For several weeks, consume one Almased shake in place of any meal - breakfast, lunch, or dinner. 

For best results, drink Almased in the evening and avoid eating 

Whether it’s a few days, a few weeks or several months, it’s nice to know that Almased is there for us, every step of the way to help us transform new get-healthy habits into changes that can last a lifetime!

Say No to Sugar and Yes to Optimal Health!

Sugary drinks are the number one source of refined sugars in our diet, amounting to almost half of all sugars we consume, and which are a major culprit in the obesity and diabetes epidemics.  

Unfortunately, consumption of sugary drinks has increased dramatically. Over the last 60 years, carbonated soft-drink guzzling has tripled. In fact, in 2019 Americans drank over 25 million gallons of soda.

And in the “bad news for dieters” department, people who drink sugary beverages “do not feel as full as if they had eaten the same calories from solid food, and research indicates they also don’t compensate for the high caloric content of these beverages by eating less food,” according to Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health. 

Soda and Sugar

Soda, itself, is a big part of the problem of poor nutrition, representing, as it does, hundreds of empty calories per day that contribute to obesity, diabetes and heart disease.  

For soda-consuming folks, these beverages provide from nine to 18 percent of total calorie intake and displace more-nutritious foods and beverages from the diet.  

Teenagers, for example, drink twice as much soda as they do milk, a nearly reverse relationship from the consumption patterns of 20 years ago. For each additional can or bottle of soda consumed per day, over time, the risk of obesity and related health conditions increases by 160 percent

In addition, soda consumption also contributes to poor bone health. Because most girls, for example, have inadequate calcium intakes, they are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis (brittle bones) as they age and have an increased risk for broken bones while they are still young. Those who drink soda have a three-to-four times higher risk of bone fracture that do those who don’t drink soda.  

Soda Makers’ Gain Is Our Loss (in Health)

According to a story run on CBS News, researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill studied national beverage consumption patterns for more than 73,000 Americans between and found the following: 

  • overall calories from sweetened beverageshave goneup 135 percent; 
  • Americans took in 38 percent fewer calories frommilk;
  • Americans get an average of 144 calories a day from sugary sodas and only 99 calories from milk; and for young people aged 2 to 18 years, milk consumptionnose-divedfrom 13.2 percent of total calories to 8.3 percent, plus soda consumption doubled. 

What’s even worse, in a study that appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) researchers found that “greater consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with greater weight gain and an increased risk for development of type 2 diabetes in women, potentially by providing excessive calories and large amounts of rapidly absorbable sugars.” 

Bottom line: we all need less sugar, and more healthy nutrients, such as protein. 

Say Yes to Metabolic Health!

Protein is the most critical nutrient for weight loss and metabolic health. In fact, a high-protein diet enhances metabolism, lowers appetite and supports healthy levels of hunger hormones. “Weighing in” at 27 grams of protein per serving, supplementing with low-glycemic Almased is an ideal way to make sure you’re getting the nutrients you need for a healthy metabolism. In fact, a landmark 2020 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition proved that Almased can help people lose more weight and burn more calories than with regular diets. Researchers at the University of Alberta carried out a study in a group of healthy, normal-weight adults. One group took Almased in place of meals; the other group had a standard North American diet. 

The Almased group experienced increased thermogenesis, better absorption of nutrients, improved fat burning, healthier appetite and use of carbs, and a reduced tendency to gain fat. This provides additional evidence, said the researchers, that “a calorie is not just a calorie,” and that a low-glycemic high-protein diet, one with the exact same number of calories as a regular diet, can provide more benefits for energy metabolism, fat burning and weight loss. 

The authors added that Almased provides a “metabolic advantage” compared to a regular diet. One way to take advantage of a metabolically healthy diet is to support it with some exercise. 

Say Yes to Sensible Physical Activity

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, nearly 73 percent of Americans don’t meet national guidelines for physical activity.  

Although current guidelines call for 30 to 60 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity a day could scare off many, fortunately the following activities also qualify: light gardening, yard work and walking.  

And, believe it or not, light gardening (330 calories an hour) burns even more calories an hour than bicycling (290) or weightlifting (220). Hey, break out those gardening gloves! 

Protein-packed and amino-acid-rich Almased helps you say “yes” to the healthiest “you” ever! 

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