If you've never used Almased before, get ready to be amazed!
Unlike single-action formulas, Almased works at the cellular level to provide support for the systems in your body that impact metabolism.
The Almased formula for nutritional shakes begins with all-natural, whole foods. Whole non-GMO soybeans, skim milk yogurt, and rich honey, full of raw living enzymes. All are fermented by a proprietary method that yields the perfect low-glycemic (4), high protein (27), healthy weight loss miracle.
Ancient cultures have survived and thrived on healthy soy protein, a historic demonstration of time-tested common sense. There has been some recent dis-information about the value of soy, such as that US soy is all genetically modified (GMO) or that soy causes breast cancer. Not so!
The soy in Almased is totally non-GMO, and you can avoid any GMO soy product by looking for “non-GMO” or “organic” on food labels. Soy does not link to breast cancer but rather, shows a protective benefit.
The isoflavones in soy have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that benefit overall health. Check out "Soy Myths Debunked," for the healthy truth from nutritionist Jamie Luu, RDN, LDN.
Then, check out Almased’s Bikini-Emergency-Plan and the Almased Figure Plan, where you can see how to replace one or more of your daily meals with a delicious Almased shake to reduce cravings and hunger.