| 11 minutes

Diet Secrets to Help You Sleep Better

Written by Susan Fox, Health Writer

Did you know that food can help us sleep better? That’s right, certain things we eat can affect how good, how deep, and how long we sleep.

There’s a lot more you can do than just avoiding caffeine at bedtime or counting sheep!

Natural sleep support is mainly focused on giving your body the nutrients it needs.

One super-important nutrient is L-tryptophan, an amino acid that helps the body make serotonin, a chemical in the brain needed for relaxation and sleep.

Tryptophan is also needed to make melatonin, a hormone that controls the “sleep-wake cycle,” or the circadian rhythm. 

The USDA tells us that the following foods have good levels of tryptophan:

  • Cheese (mozzarella)
  • Eggs
  • Meat (lamb, beef, pork)
  • Poultry
  • Seeds (pumpkin and squash)
  • Soy
  • Wheat germ and whole oats
  • White beans 

And while B vitamins specifically help with our melatonin levels, all of these nutrients boost our Zs, one way or another: vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, calcium, iron, and magnesium.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends the following foods for a more restful night:

  • Complex carbs like whole grains, oatmeal, popcorn, or whole-wheat crackers with nut butter. Skip refined and sugary carbs as they may reduce serotonin levels, contributing to insomnia.
  • Nuts, containing heart-healthy fats are helpful, almonds and walnuts specifically as they contain melatonin.
  • Cottage cheese is high in lean protein and adds the amino acid tryptophan, which may increase serotonin levels.
  • Calming beverages such as chamomile and other herbal teas, like the Almased wellness tea, can also work well for relaxing, and as part of a nightly ritual to help trigger rest. Likewise, warm milk as it contains both melatonin and tryptophan.
  • Tart cherry juice and whole tart cherries are high in melatonin. Two kiwis before bed may increase sleep duration. 

But, keep in mind that with a number of food sources, we have to be aware of both how humanely and healthfully the animals are raised (eggs, meat, poultry) and if the soy products are fermented or not, for example (being naturally fermented is vital).

Is there a way we can tackle our weight by providing an ideal, concentrated source of many of the key nutrients we need in an optimal formula?

Yes….read on.

Losing Weight Can Help You Sleep Better

Reducing body fat, especially belly fat, makes you less likely to struggle with sleep problems like sleep apnea, restlessness, or insomnia, and less likely to fight sleepiness during the day.

There are many benefits of having a protein shake before bed and the nutritional shake and smoothie recipes from Almased may be the best solution for both weight loss and a good night’s sleep.

Almased is the low-glycemic high-protein meal replacement and food supplement. 

This unique multi-protein formula (including tryptophan) is created from different sources to fit the amino acid profile the human body needs for optimal function, making Almased an ideal healthy diet for weight loss. 

The bioavailability of amino acids and bioactive peptides (such as Lunasin) is increased by a special process using active enzymes from natural sources. 

This makes the Almased Weight Loss Phenomenon™ possible!

Though Almased is best known for helping with weight loss and reducing hunger, many Almased users say their sleep is much better too!

Olenka F. stated: “For 7 days I fasted with Almased and … I feel great! I sleep amazingly; I have a lot of energy, and I am not hungry at all. I replace one meal a day (with Almased), and I am still having results."

Another Almased Success Story, Jan R., reported: “My energy is great, and I sleep more deeply and consistently.”

Reports like these are not unusual as Almased consumers often write in about the many happy side-effects from Almased’s low-glycemic (27) high-protein (24g) (LGHP) Almased formula. 

In addition to better sleep, Almased customers talk about an energy boost that lasts throughout the day, about a better mood, and about hair, skin, and nails that are healthier and look better. This shows you something good is happening!

You Can’t Fool Mother Nature!

Circadian rhythms control the activity/rest cycles of every living being – plant or animal. This rhythmic regularity creates a “habit-force," establishing a firm foundation for good health and well-being.

Do your best to stay regular in your schedule, going to bed and rising at the same time. Set up nightly “rituals” that tell your body it’s time to slow down and rest. 

Eating at regular meal times during the day helps, too. Sometimes it’s hard to manage all the demands of a busy schedule – and who doesn’t have one? 

When you can't juggle in a meal or snack, mix up your favorite flavored Almased shake. 

It’s not good to go hungry, even when you’re trying to lose weight. Almased keeps you feeling full and can make your life a lot more convenient. 

Whether you need to lose weight, maintain weight, or want the peace of a full night's sleep, turn to nutrition first. And let Almased help!

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