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Almased and Thyroid Health

Originally formulated to support metabolism, Almased has provided superior beneficial effects for weight loss. Not only does Almased help burn fat, but it also helps to maintain muscle mass and supports healthy blood sugar levels and thyroid function. As more people trust Almased as their weight loss solution, many customers with thyroid issues wonder whether Almased could be right for them. Here’s what you need to know:

How Your Thyroid Affects Your Metabolism

First of all, understand how the thyroid affects metabolism. A healthy thyroid regulates metabolism by releasing thyroid hormones (T3 and T4). The pituitary gland produces and releases a hormone called Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) that controls the release of T3 and T4.

The thyroid system acts as the body’s thermostat. When your body cools, T3 and T4 decline. Then the thermostat kicks on (TSH increases) and produces more heat (T3 and T4). Every cell in your body depends on thyroid hormones to manage its metabolism.

How Your Thyroid Affects Your Weight

An imbalance in thyroid hormones can affect weight. Too much of the hormones can cause rapid weight loss, whereas too little can cause weight gain and/or difficulty losing weight. Most people have the latter. According to the American Thyroid Association (ATA), women are five to eight times more likely to have thyroid issues than men.

How can Almased Help with the Thyroid level?

From our research, Almased helps support a healthy thyroid level and keeps it balanced. In our examination, there was no significant change in the thyroid level even when three servings of Almased were consumed each day. Hence, individuals with or without a thyroid or who have thyroid issues can use Almased and benefit from its metabolic and weight loss effects.

But What About Soy’s Effect on Thyroid? You might be wondering how a product like Almased which contains soy can be suitable for the thyroid. Be aware that claims that soy is harmful to your thyroid are blown out of proportion. When reviewing research, only individuals with iodine deficiency, which is rare in the United States, experienced negative effects.

Most people, in fact, experience no hormonal effects from soy protein. In fact, a study found in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition about the effects of soy protein on hormones, including thyroid hormones, showed that soy protein had no effect on the thyroid hormone.

These findings are consistent with Almased studies, which explains why individuals with thyroid issues are able to lose weight with Almased safely and effectively.

Here’s how you can use Almased if you have a thyroid issue

1) Have your thyroid level checked

Before starting on the Almased Diet it will be helpful for you to have a baseline number of your thyroid levels. After 3-4 weeks on Almased, you can ask for another check-up to compare your thyroid results.

2) Follow the diet outlined in the Almased Figure Plan.

Just like everybody else, you can follow the exact instructions stated in the Almased Figure Plan.

3) If you are prescribed synthetic thyroid medication,

it is important that you take the medications as directed. Typically, it is recommended to wait at least an hour before consuming any foods or supplements, including Almased, so that your medication is fully absorbed into your body.

4) Continue the Almased Diet

Continue the Almased Diet for as long as needed to achieve a healthy weight and keep up with your regular thyroid check-ups.

Knowing that Almased does not interfere with thyroid medication and that it can actually help support healthy thyroid levels will give you peace of mind

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